Wotcha! New stuff inbound…

Hot Stretch

(May resemble old stuff)

Well, ain’t gonna lie to you, it’s kind of stark round here. Minimalistic to the max. But its here and I can write and scratch that itch, even if its only my Mum reading it, well actually, my Mum doesn’t read any of my stuff. My Dad a bit, but not about weed, about Thailand. Becasue for those of you stumbling around the internet who’ve never read anything I’ve written, this is going to be a blog, a continuation of journals I wrote elsewhere.

I’ll be writing about three things;

1# Growing cannabis, from seed to bag, almost entirely indoor;

2# Selling cannabis, my wife, who here is going to be called ‘& Co’ (who does the growing and the selling – I’m just the scribe) is currently renovating a bamboo shack with a thatched roof here on the island of Phuket in Thailand, South East Asia. Deep in the tropics, its hot and humid 24/7/365 and is, in the Picture Dictionary, the definition of a “Tropical Paradise” She’s calling her new dispensary “The Weed Shack” pictures soon.

3# Finally bit about some of the politics and background in Thailand that allowed the legalisation of Cannabis Sativa in Thailand – and “Will it last?” Since there are moves to ban it again.

Well actually – there’s probably a fourth, “I will splash the pot whenever I damn please in my club” – to say, I may veer off into random stuff that amuses me (that’s a Rounder’s quote, btw) but I promise no politics, or nasty stuff.

Meum dictum pactum

This is more of an “About” page post – which is where it will go when I’ve moved bits of the site about and added some content. Meanwhile, the video above is our main flower room today, we have several 5 or so other grow spaces. Tomorrow is the start of Week 3 since flip. They are in 5 Gallon airpots, they’re being fed with Dutch Pro Hydro/Coco fert. We’re in the middle of their recommended levels 2.5ml per litre (Range – 2-3ml) with 2.5ml/L of Calmag (4-0-0) and a little “Keep It Clean” which is basically some H2o2 – tomorrow they go on their “Bloom Boost” for the first time for them. Our current EC is 2.8, a little over their guidance, however, we are at 1300ppm Co2, the VPD is at 1.4 and they are rocking.

So far so much “Nick Hardy” if anyone is reading this now then likely you know our style(s)! But if there is a slim possibility its the first time you’re reading about us and how we grow, and the above is like so much “wtf is he on about?!” I’ll be covering of all off all of the above, like real back to basics stuff, as much for me as anyone else this is a resource for me. Never hurt anyone to go back to basics again when you are practicing a skill, and of course all you need to grow awesome weed is Skin&Eyes™ but more, and then probably more on that later.

Post #1 in the bag!

Nick & Co

New beginnings


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