Alright, alright, alright….

I just love these big bags of weed.

So been as ever a bit busy/ More so than usual. we harvested 4.1KG of primo for sale as is fully trimmed and dried and enjoying a cure in Grove Bags – check out the new sponsor! Ever seen a commercial grower using mason jars and humidity patches, burping daily? No, nor me. The beauty of Grove Bags is that once your weed is gently dried, and I do recommend it’s done slowly, and done in the closest you can to trim in an environment that matches that in which it was dried to then you’re golden. Just store it in an approximation, of 57-61% Rh in a cool dark place and as the various gases, a decent amount of Co2, is expelled then they keep them there.

Its not super new technology or anything. Gortex “breathable” outdoors gear does something similar. Just don’t be a muppet and put hygrometer inside a bag! Sure, keep one outside in the room their stored in and check you’re not +/- more than 5% but putting 50c’s worth of LCD screen and batteries in with our weed is not something we’re into.

The other kilo we have is just a Bruce Banner didn’t work out so much, needed more light and various other odds and ends, popcorn we weren’t strict enough on scraping off, to go with probably another 2 Kg’s we have. We’re going to just grind it all up – I’d really like to press it, Maybe the roisin machine can do it. We’re aiming for some really cheap weed. Maybe sell it at like $10 a quarter. I’d love a traditional Thai “Brick” weed product. Less the seeds associated with it! But we’re only selling that to Thai people and maybe Farang with Thai driving licenses, which shows you’re a long termer not a tourist.

Where will we sell? In the Weed Shack, that little old place, where… So yeah we got our license good for two and a half years through to 31st December 2026. Which is interesting… since the government insists they’re banning sales from 1st January 2025. Really what will happen nobody knows. We have about 13KG of primo weed and we’re confident we can grow another 10KG plus before then so we roll on.

So the winners of the last grow?

#1 Animal Mintz BX1 from Seed Junky – grown from clones bought online.

Its lush, and like this weird mix of warmth and heavy headfuck. Can’t wait to get the test results back later in the week.

#2 Permanent Marker (Ours came from Blimburn)

Yeah its tasty, seem fairly strong, not sure on the 34% THC calls but wow a yielder!

We missed out on some yield with a too hot room, but we’re having another AC unit being put in next to the existing one in the flower room so those worries will be gone.

So less of that!

Hopefully the Queen will be in her counting house soon!

These have now become 56 from the 80 pictured, because…

These are 6 Banner, 5 Liberty Haze and a Pineapple Chunk in “What Was Formerly Known As The Solo Tent” they’ve been a bit underfed and lacking light with 80 plants in a 5×5 under 200W. Those pots are probably 2 litres, so small but bigger than 16oz solos. They’re getting 12cm collars in the coming days.

This is in some ways the main event. 6x Masterpiece, a Cap’n Junky Cross, 3x Black Patronus from Exotic Genetix and 3x Animal Mintz BX1’s same as the last grow. Best news is finally the Meijiu 1000W light is fixed.

Come all ye who fancy their chances on a grow for yield contest now! Its so so bright. Like comparing halogen to a couple of grubby candles that it was before. That’s why its getting the top draw strains. Aiming 1.5kg from here. And that’s it really. We’re waiting on another 360 litres of coco, 20L of full fat 4-0-0 Cal Mag and a new Rizen/Gavita 820w light to move on much more. We’re vegging everything for around ten days and flip ’em together. Getting the Clone Box up and running and of course The Weed Shack open. That’s been some time coming but the license came through so just timing. We seemed to have shrugged off potentially covid, a split septic tank, near loss of our house due to fraud, resolved my visa for all time and had a whole bunch of fun over the last couple of months and still grown 4+ KG of weed part time as a family.

It would be pat on the back time – but the Shack needs opening tomorrow, there’s more plants to up pot and orders to make and deliveries to take. Then maybe I can spend some of my bonus and pay rise on a little holiday for me and & Co. ‘Cause she earned it. Well actually I did but she made it possible. And maybe there’s a Pizza Shack coming soon too. We’re trying to get the shack next door for that. We’ll sell you weed and munchies. BUT – IF we get a brewing license, doesn’t actually exist yet, but & Co reckons she’s looking good for one, then umm, yeah, we’ll get you a whole weekend of fun!

With Love!

Nick & Co


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