The 4 Grows (before the moratorium)

So we had a chat did, me and & Co. And we’ve decided we’re going to have a proper break

My parents arrive first week of November, visiting for L’s birthday. I’d quite like them to see a room full of weed as well and that’s about 10 weeks out. (Her birthday is the same as the US election so I’m not short of a counter to see how many days it is! Its also a big day in English history. Even you’re not English there’s a decent chance you will have heard this:

Remember, remember!

The fifth of November,

The Gunpowder treason and plot;

I know of no reason

Why the Gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions

Did the scheme contrive,

To blow the King and Parliament

All up alive.

Threescore barrels, laid below,

To prove old England’s overthrow.

But, by God’s providence, him they catch,

With a dark lantern, lighting a match!

We’re likely going to book a restaurant on one of the beaches for Lily and her friends and parents and all that then letting off a bunch of fireworks. Hopefully events elsewhere are rather less explosive that day. Below is a little bit on each of the four grow spaces

4×4 Liberty Haze/Bruce Banner/Pineapple Chunk

These finally have the rings on them, nice and tall. In the past this has been 480-700g with 12 plants in solos. Now we have 12 in whatever they are, 1.5 gallons maybe? They’re a neat size. I they’re at week 3 from flip. I’m counting next week at week 3 so they’re going on the Dutch Pro Bloom Explode as soon as it arrives. Tomorrow or Tuesday. Starting to bulk up. All three strains are 9-10 weekers. I think 6 Liberty haze, 4 Bruce Banner and 2 Pineapple Chunk. Maybe threaten a kilo out of here we give them plenty of time.

8×4 Strays and Kush Tent

I need to do a list of what’s actually in here, I know there’s some Afghan Kush, Some Wild Thai, Tropical Cookies, maybe even some Future #1 from clone. These have never been a problem, chilling under the Mars Hydro FCE-4800’s that have been running at 75%. They’re so gentle on the plants. Lovely lights – if it weren’t for the cabling I’d pick one – you know what? I think they’re better than the FC4800 Evo which is 50%+ more money and has a smaller foot print. We were going to flip this tent tonight but Sparky didn’t show.

5×5 Masterpiece – Black Patronus – Animal Mintz BX1

You can see the difference between Photo #1 and #3 how finally & Co is properly lollipopping them, she’ll start and then hope I forget, she hates losing any bud sites. She says she knows it loses us growth at the top and she says she hates seeming fluff and then trimming tiny buds, and yet she still hates hates killing stuff. Apart from snakes and often trees. She really has it in for trees at times. You should see her in a mini dress, axe in hand 😆 I’m really looking forward to this tent. The Animal Mintz is epic good, like a next gen strain, its 3-4 years old but not mainstream. Ditto the Black Patronus – though Leafly have it as the Strain of 2024, although a pheno hunted one by a Californian outfit

Black Patronus nugs contain such a deep, vivid purple, that they almost appear black. This is where the cultivar gets its namesake. These magical and highly flavorful buds contain 1.71% total terpenes. As an additional educational tool for consumers, which I adore, No Till Kings kindly lists the dominant terpenes in a graph on the side of the package: Limonene, a-Pinene, B-Pinene, Trans-Caryophyllene, Linalool, and more. The brand’s founders Jake Taylor and Marco S. are brilliant on their educational YouTube channel, enlightening growers on living soil methods. Judging by this flower, the team is doing something right. 

The skunky, ooey-gooey buds break down into a pillowy cloud of dark purple wrapped in a glossy layer of white trichomes. The dry hit is dreamy and consists of chocolate, savory garlic, with subtle hints of citrus. The smoke is equally robust. It’s an enchanting, heavy, sultry smoke worthy of its witchy name. The experience is euphoric and its Indica-dominant traits make it wholly relaxing. Black Patronus is a sedative worthy of the premium shelf. No joke, this high is going to last you all day.

Lindsey Bartlett/Leafly

Sugar Coated – There’s a ways to go yet. 8 weeks I guess. Gas goes on tomorrow. The masterpiece is looking handy, 6 of them, that’s also from Seed Junky (Cap Junky x Platinum) like the Animal Mintz, they came out like the Black Patronus above. Just next level quality. Its my goto vape these days, tastes so good, though its a bit of a pain as I can’t sleep on it. Its at the same time quite heavy. Very 50/50 because you get both “Indica” and “Sativa” like effects. Though apparently that’s all BS… Link below to a podcast with a guy who’s been testing the DNA of different strains. It has the transcript which I read because its quicker. Indica and Sativa he thinks are essentially meaningless at this point, the 60/40 type stuff is BS and he can test say White Widow from one Farm and find that at another White Widow is a completely different plant. Stoners back in the day weren’t great at record keeping apparently!

Flower Room – Kushland

In the last larger photo are the two Frozen Black Cherry from Anesia seeds – in this room its probably what I’m looking forward to most. So of course, they’re the two smallest plants. Lots of Kush Mintz, Biscotti Mintz, White Runts. A Tropical Cookies or two. It smelt very strongly of mint when & Co and The Lad defoliated today. We’ve come a long way from where we were, tiny yellowed plants, its been painfully slow, I cleaned the nute filter today, all by myself! I don’t think they were getting near enough water the last couple of weeks. As I said at the top parents visiting, be nice to show them a room full of weed just before harvest so we flip next week. Harvest should be while they’re here. We’re down to 100L of Veg nutes and maybe enough in the bottles to make 300L more. Same with the Flower nutes, but we have lots of those coming in the next day or so. We’ll have enough to keep the clones going because…

Break time…

We’ve been growing not stop since October 2022, we had just two plants when my parents last visited in November 2022. We’re going to see how sales go and what any new laws look like, we’ll have enough clones to get going really quick if we want to. Its the depths of the rainy season right now. 20cm (8″) of rain just overnight on Thursday, the streets are dead, no business on the street has any customers, pharmacies to laundromats, everything is empty. If come mid October when the tourists start coming back business is booming then we’ll fire up again. With the change of Prime Minister no one again knows what’s going to happen. Its all gone a bit quiet. The new cabinet I think is meant to be announced next week so things will become a bit clearer by seeing who ends up where, who gets Health Minister is going to be interesting. Being on the clock every day for the plants can get monotonous, just a tent full of clones and mothers and a smaller electricity bill would be lovely for a couple of months..

That’s about it for now,

Nick & Co

One comment

  1. Looks good D! I’m on the other side of the fence waiting eagerly to start up again!
    Nice to get some break and holiday from daily chores. You’ve done an amazing journey the last two years and all the cred to you! 

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