Lots of plants under the lights!

& Co’s birthday today so happy birthday to her! Its a mad world for everyone every year, this year I think more than most.

Where we live and my wife growing cannabis and my professional life seem to be particular focal points these last few weeks. Its nuts and there are very very few people on the planet that would believe. Hopefully the important ones, who’s names in end “ment” seem to! My family and friends sure do believe me, and those are all that matter, really.

I’m very limited in what I am comfortable with writing about the Cannabis laws here, and any changes coming, and you read anything sounding like they know what will happen, trust me on this – they are not sure themselves. No one is. We’ll be fine, the Weed Shack hasn’t been a focus due so this weird confluence of my work life, like everything (non growing related) stuff breaking, its been the longest hottest dry season I have ever experienced here, living in Thailand is sort of indoor/outdoor, however fancy your pool pumps, fridges, AC’s are its the toughest life imaginable.

Even as we service twice weekly, weekly, monthly or whatever – waaay beyond what manufacturers recommend, we had a bad run of stuff like that. Retrospectively – we couldn’t have done anything better. Just annoying. Bad timing, no tears or recriminations. & Co, yeah, remarkable woman!

Throw in a dash of – someone tried to steal the land beneath our house, someone not paying the taxes I paid them to, its been a wild ride, and that’s without even getting into my work life, advisory roles, that’s probably more crazy in risk terms. All you can do, and this is where I’ll start talking about growing plants, (I promise, soon!) Work together and read the room of plants. Our planets have had like for us very little attention, some things are way more important than our plants to us. We’ve won around 80% of our battles, personal and professional, not solved with money, but because we had systems in place and trust. Maybe, maybe we end up in better shape than we were even in before. Not much beats hard work honesty and trust to get on in life. Shortcuts don’t exist. Time is what you need, its more precious than money.

So to growing plants, its & Co’s birthday as I mentioned, so this is all I got time for. In the flower room its super dry but hot, new AC will go in after that grow. Co2 is full on to help mitigate the heat, still plenty yellow, mostly on the plants away from direct light. The ones at 1300+ PPFD even the heat look better. We’re at EC 3.0 at everything, Co2 or not, they just stopped drinking so much, we are at the end of week 8, most strains are 10 weekers, we might harvest downstairs next week as they’re more 8 weekers.

Our rabbits (congrats on the babies you fuckers!) ate a Black Patronus, half another, not to their taste after a nibble, thankfully – its fine, we have plenty more plants. Umm up potted 60 maybe yesterday to Swickies. All cool. We’re fortunate that even during times of high personal and professional stress, unrelated to & Co’s Cannabis business we have simple easy to use systems, literally push button in most cases, to make sure they may continue to thrive.

The cannabis plant responds well to stress, as do we as a family.

On that note! A random dump of photos (oh we had a brief thing with spider mites too – looks like quickly resolved, & Co just – haha, she felt like pulling on rubber gloves and stripping down to her knickers was the best way to fix it – and yeah fingers crossed look like she did! 100% true story! And I’ve never seen a prettier bum in my life!

Nick & Co – with great thanks to all those helped us along the way recently, whether families, friends, contractors or governments! For better or worse, gotta believe!

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