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Thanks for letting me be on here and nice to see so many familiar faces!


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Nick Hardy, Heidi and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Nick HardyHeidiAbeG-1-3

Hye buddy - not long until you get a taste of that sweet, sweet Banner, eh!

Heidi, Abe and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

3 more days and #2 is going down. Crazy early girl. Last time I had this fast flowering plant was Bubblegum years ago from Serious. They even look similar in flower structure but Banner is way more resinous. 

She's giving me SFV OG vibes both in terms of structure, earliness and potency. 

I'm keeping her and #8 for the future, she's in the first post. Very lemony diesel. Gonna be good medicine for sure! 


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G-1-3, Nick Hardy and Abe have reacted to this post.
G-1-3Nick HardyAbe

Found my way here and I'm glad I did. Nice to see some of the familiar faces I've missed. Hope you all are doing well. I will be making my first GLOG post soon.

Nick Hardy has reacted to this post.
Nick Hardy
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