End of Week 5 – All the plants

End of Week 5 Flower: Halfway The Room plus 2 Tents

Ok no video of downstairs but I do have a slideshow.

Did it work?

Umm not much to say really, the downstairs plants have had no real attention. Just watered, same as the mix for upstairs, I think it’s too cold in there which is costing us, must be down to like 27-28c in there, there’s no gas and say half the light that upstairs has. I’ve been trying to kill a kilo out of solos in a 4×4, this is my last try for now, promises have been made. We’ll get to a 1lb again, 450+ grams, but yeah the buds will lack size. It does smell wonderful in there, probably stronger than upstairs. They were defoliated today, perhaps partly that.

The 8×4, they’re just plugging along, bigger buds, some great aromas out of there as well, between these two we should bag about 1500g, zero effort, just watch the feeding, and defoliated occasionally. Like it ain’t no thing. However, the next grow we need to be a little more serious, we are way more into maximising the volume given we may only have two full cycles left before prohibition, its the governments stated aim.

Many a twist, twixt the cup and the lip

Me at al

Non one knows what’s happening there, but no one. How long the current Prime Minister will be in power no one seems to know either. Cannabis legislation is all tied up in much of it. its very fun.

Onwards to week 6 and The Chunkening is coming. Think there are tails on all 12 seeds, but not sent eagle eyes & Co to check them yet, they can wait until morning. 12 from 12 is really what I expect. They were nice looking seeds, all the same colour and size between the strains. Reassuring.

Nick & Co

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