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Wastei's odds and ends!

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Done! Revegging the middle on #7. She finished better than expected. 

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Culling time! 

These could eacj easily have filled a 5x5 if put in flower. Now they become leafy greens. 


100w veg in a 3x3. 

The rest of the Banners are dry to the touch and I need to start jarring the others in the drying tent tomorrow. 



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Final yield is in and the total is ~770 grams. That's pretty OK from a seed run. Some yielded only 30-40 grams while others shy of 200 grams. 

I'm having some hiatus for now. I'm about to order some Sour Diesel seeds from Barney's as we speak to have something to look forward to next run. 

Cheers and hope everyone's doing well!

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Bruce Banner #7 budder. 



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This is what lays ahead in hopefully a couple of months time. 


Been years since I grew Sour D. Another seed run! Kept 3 different phenos from the Bruce Banner run. 

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Nick Hardy has reacted to this post.
Nick Hardy

I love those Barney's green folders, its like being at Hogwarts, like the kind of thing they use for books at school. I got 15 Liberty Haze in single seed packs once. The third time I threw a bean bouncing down the concrete floor trying to open it I had to hand over seed opening duties to my daughter, how it has remained since - safer that way! 😂  

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Hahaha that happens, especially with those cone shaped plastic seed containers. Liberty haze is very solid. 

This is the only thing growing except cuttings of #7 at my place.

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Hahaha that happens, especially with those cone shaped plastic seed containers. Liberty haze is very solid. 

This is the only thing growing except cuttings of #7 at my place.

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