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Wastei's odds and ends!

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Hey everyone!

I'm continuing my journey on this site after I'm done with the last journal. I'll update the same posts and info here. 

To introduce me a little bit I'm a grower friend of "Nick", Greenvein and probably others I forgot on this site. I've been growing in hydro on and off for 20 years. Done everything from Aero, flood and drain, DWC, and lastly coco coir. I started out in soilless with peat based mixes. 

I would never personally grow a Auto flower indoors but I've grown hundreds in the woods in northern Europe back in the day. It's to much guessing game growing medicinally in my book and I better spend my time growing stable photo genetics I can trust and keep for the future. 

I'm currently in week 9 from flip growing 8x Bruce Banner from seed. The seeds are from Nirvana Seeds. The had the best deal I made the order. I'm very happy with the result and variations.

I've kept two of the eight that are the most resinous. Many different great phenotypes but the goal was to find a very resinous "Diesel" plant and that's #8 being lemony and Diesel. 

The other phenotype is more unique with a berry sweet Jasmine and gas profile. She's also a very early finisher. Typical OG cross. 



Nick Hardy, Heidi and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Nick HardyHeidiAbeG-1-3Greenvein

I currently grow with Calcium nitrate, Mega Crop old 2 part formula 5-12-26 and Epsom salt with Jacks 3-2-1 ratios. 

I lower N slightly in flower. 

Growing hydroponically I believe the more frequent you feed the better you're off in terms of keeping pH and EC stable in the root zone.

I'm off the older school with the mentality of finding the lowest optimal nutrient strength for yield and potency. I'm working towards keeping mineral sensitivity and nutrient channels as fast flowing as possible for higher rates of growth and nutrient uptake.

I've been lucky enough to interact with very experienced people throughout the years that had been growing and really learned hydro by trial and error before internet and all the miss matched information and marketing. 

One thing I keep saying and will always promote is less is more growing Cannabis!

Nick Hardy, Heidi and Abe have reacted to this post.
Nick HardyHeidiAbe

G'day wastei ,nice to see you here .

The recommendations from you to run my cyco nutrients at 500-600ppm instead of their recommendations of 1200ppm . It gave me some very dense cola's. 

Thanks again 👍


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Nick Hardy and Heidi have reacted to this post.
Nick HardyHeidi


Quote from Abe on 13/05/2024, 08:05

G'day wastei ,nice to see you here .

The recommendations from you to run my cyco nutrients at 500-600ppm instead of their recommendations of 1200ppm . It gave me some very dense cola's. 

Thanks again 👍


Looks great bud! Nice to see you on here too! I laughed my ass off from seeing your new profile picture on the other site. 🤣

We're 62 days in from flip and the girls are finishing and packing on weight. Last day for #2 that being harvested tomorrow. Need to setup the dry tent. 

First runoff reading:

650ppm / 1.3 EC in, 725ppm / 1.45 EC out. 

pH 7.0 in, pH 6.3 out. 


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Nick Hardy has reacted to this post.
Nick Hardy
Quote from on 13/05/2024, 07:04

One thing I keep saying and will always promote is less is more growing Cannabis!

Its true.

has reacted to this post.

Second runoff reading for the day:


1.3 EC in, 1.5 EC out. 

pH 7.0 in, pH 6.3 out. 


- Still eating and drinking properly.



Day 63 from flip, 9 weeks done and last day for #2!


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First runoff reading:


1.3 EC in, 1.6 EC out.


pH 7.0 in, pH 6.1 out.


Trim jail tomorrow!



Nick Hardy has reacted to this post.
Nick Hardy

I can’t today as in BKK but tomorrow i’m def testing my run off. The last time I did (more than a year ago) it would go in at Ph 5.8 and come out at Ph4.4 to 4.5


What would you read into that? A little additional info - our water with nutes comes out at 6.2 to 6.3 so we Ph down. Typically at 6pm. We feed several times a day so the Ph climbs back slowly. So it always confused me why it would drop after feed!


Any idea? 


has reacted to this post.
Quote from Nick Hardy on 15/05/2024, 13:09

I can’t today as in BKK but tomorrow i’m def testing my run off. The last time I did (more than a year ago) it would go in at Ph 5.8 and come out at Ph4.4 to 4.5


What would you read into that? A little additional info - our water with nutes comes out at 6.2 to 6.3 so we Ph down. Typically at 6pm. We feed several times a day so the Ph climbs back slowly. So it always confused me why it would drop after feed!


Any idea? 


My vote is on nutrient excess. Especially phosphoric acid. pH 5.8 on the input is way to low for growing in soilless IMO.  

I rather feed at pH 7.0 in than pH 5.8 since pH will more or less always decline in mid to late flower and before that the minerals being used in veg are better accessible at 7.0 compared to 5.8. 

pH 5.8 is only a general rule for water cultures and hydro.  If you look at older threads and recommendations nobody recommended to pH at 5.8 since the optimal pH for growing the herb is pH 6.5 after years of science experiments and trial and error. I aim for pH 6.3 out, that's where Ca and Mg is most bio-available and those are normally the first ones to fall out under LED's. 

I also believe it's all part of the marketing game. If people have borderline low pH in their mediums they need higher nutrient concentrations to compensate for deficiencies. 


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