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Website Downtime is changing. is the new, new thing.


Here will be a full phpBB forum board.  Gives me more flexibility to customise. will be my personal Glog


I'll migrate all the posts and user accounts, it will look the same but better under the skin.


Its a fairly major web migration


Costing me nothing.


I'm lucky like that.


Don't poke the bear.







Abe and Greenvein have reacted to this post.

Congrats on the upgrade bro especially being free! All that's straight over my head 😂 👊

Abe has reacted to this post.

We're now on

If you go to just there's full forum, same software that every major forum on any subject uses, the software is called phpbb board.  I might move all of this to there, but it will take some figuring out to make it look nice and then setting up a bunch of little things, smileys, whatever.  But has proper PM's and more potential. 

I'm actually a bit busy growing at the moment - or this weekend.  Got some awesome genetics In House Genentics, Exotic Genetix and Seed Junky popping them at the weekend.


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