Moooaare seeds!

I’m pretty broke but got (magic) beans

I mentioned before I wanted to do some or more ‘craft” type strains? Ok the plan is this;

In 3L Mega Solos filled with coco and way higher ratio of perlite than we normally do, easy 30% with Dynomyco back in the mix – we’ve had ’bout half a dozen or more just wilt and die since we stopped using it, we had none while we were using it so yeah back on the myco they go. Maybe White Shark, water soluble unlike Dynomyco. Ah! The Real Nick has a stick of it I won in a comp and could send to me.

“šŸŽ¶And Bingo was his name ”O'”

In a 5×5 with the 1000w Meijiu Light with UV. Anyone who has read my stuff elsewhere will know, I got a great deal from the manufacturer for this light for doing some work for them. It broke mid grow, we tried to fix it with a part they sent, it remained broken, then when we finished the grow we opened it up to test it – there had been a fire inside. We fell out. They ignored me, which was silly. I paid them in Hong Kong. Where they have their offshore USD account. I said “Fine I’ll take you to small claims court in HK as I’m a permanent resident there, and its cheap and easy for me, less so for you, being Mainland Chinese”

Their push back was;

You want a whole new driver unit (contains 3 drivers over a 1m long) then its $100, it might have been your fault

Meijiu LED Lighting

I said “I disagree but I’ll pay the $100” Its a $900-1000 light. And easy the best I’ve grown under when it worked. The shipping must make up $30 of that minimum. The drivers off the shelf I think are $150, $150 and $50 whole sale – grow light companies do not make HPS, CMH bulbs nor LEDs, nor do they make drivers, none of them do. Not one. Nor do they make dimmers. They buy all of the previous from companies that do. They do cut aluminum or steel bars and assemble lights from components. They are commodity goods. Their purchase by large scale commercial growers has nothing to do with brand, its tax, kick backs, electrical efficiency Cap-Ex v. Op-Ex and volume and service availability. Meijiu you order their MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity ) of 20 Units give you 21 – for when one breaks and when it does you swap in the spare and send back the broken one. They’re not set up for single unit purchases like me. The previous the light companies have to offer as differentiators, you order the MOQ you chose your own LEDs, you chose the light bar colours, the logo, – oh and the metal bars they stick them on to. Its not the branded tent light market where the best lights are judged on sponsorships, branding and opinions, its data driven, the most PPFD/watt for your buck in the most reliable form. There are just bin numbers – the rest is just subjective.

So to the seeds? Yeah, expensive! Do Not Tell & Co!

First up, 6x “100k” by Exotic Genetix The most winningest breeder of seeds ever? Cool back story too. plus back story here

Then a very a la mode strain. If I had a nickel for very time I’d read about Cap Junky and the wonder strain it is, with cuts going for $1200 a time a couple of years ago then I’d have close on a dollar now. In an effort to Eleventeen all of them I got 6x “Masterpiece” which is a collab between Seed Junky (Captain Junky) which is;

Cap Junky is an extremely potent, pungent cannabis strain crossing Alien Cookies x Kush Mints #11. The cultivar is a collaborative project between two of the most important modern breeders, Capulator and Seed Junky Genetics. Seed Junky sold Cap Junky clones for $1,000 each in 2021. Capulator’s farm affiliate L.A. Made sold Cap Junky flower in 2022 in California’s adult-use market. The Alien Cookies helped make the top strain MACKush Mints became the backbone of Seed Junky’s Minntz brand in collaboration with Cookies. Cap Junky smells like sour fruit rind with hints of pepper, gas, and dank. Well-grown buds are sleeted with maximal trichome coverage. Its smoke tastes astringent, peppery, and hits very smooth. This maximum-THC cultivar is for experienced smokers only, with an intense, long-lasting euphoric effect.


So Masterpiece is that crossed with;

Platinum by In House – this is a little weird, it Hash Plant UW x a Permafrost S1. There’s Trainwreck and White Widow in there. Platinum is marked as clone only, so as it was a collaboration it’ll be a favoured cut of Cap Junky x Favoured cut of Platinum. I guess that’s why they cost so damn much!

Masterpiece cannabis strain, the name says it all

Cap Junky, the parental, is a hybrid developed from a collaboration between Seed Junky and Capulator, two of the most influential breeders on the cannabis scene. It boasts THC levels of over 30%, yet is really well-known for the aroma. A pungent waft of petrol and fermented fruit will waft through the room once you open a Cap Junky jar.

Platinum, the other parental, is an in-house bred strain cross between UW Hashplant x Permafrost S1. A variety with Indica genetics, notably primarily for an excellent production of top quality trichomes. It produces fresh terpenes with wood and pine notes.


So despite the 1000w light in there, these are definitely going to be grown low and slow or as my buddy @wastei was saying just the other day “Less is more” If I had a nickel for every time a long time grower has said it, I’d have a Benjamin.

Nick and Co


  1. You want a whole new driver unit (contains 3 drivers over a 1m long) then its $100, it might have been your fault
    Meijiu LED Lighting

    So stupid of them they should’ve asked for the product back to rectify the issue and replaced it .
    Bad customer service travels faster than good customer service this has and will cost them more than that driver was worth .

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