Pictures are worth a 1000 words – No video

Pretty mega day, up potting 10 to DWC and popping 67 seeds not even close to top ten of busy today.

But dealt a shitty hand, literally. Me and Co, fuck it was some day. I’m 19 hours in my chair. I’ve had 5 Samsung engineers fixing our biggest fridge, Myanmar people digging out my septic tank, met & Co’s sister #4 (of 7) for the first time, Done weird but fun work. Started tracking down a lady I lodged with while briefly at school to say thank you, for all she taught me – the mad expensive school I went to for 4 months taught me fuck all but how to gamble at Blackjack and football better, “always bet against your own team because then you’re happy either way” – he was a Man United fan (and my English Lit tutor, and a Professor at Oxford actual University) bet he’s been making more money betting against them the last 10 years! They lose for a living now 😆.

Living with a weed dealing black family taught me more than anything maybe I’ve ever done, way back in 1996, taught me so, so, so much about life. You look at no other photo, look at the featured image. Sharing water, between black, brown and white on a tropical island. Life don’t get much better.

The EC the Mars Hydro Hydroline is 2.2, Ph 5.8, The seeds are in H2o2 #standard. Doing a small cylinder of Co2 a day, and 180 liters of fert for just 4x or so plants, its huge even for us. Fun times, even needing a new septic tank!

Nick & Co

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